terendam setinggi permukaan bahasa Inggris
- terendam: awash; swallow; marinade; marinate; eat up;
- setinggi: as high as; high; tall
- permukaan: surface; surface-area; surfaces; face; side; top;
- terendam: awash; swallow; marinade; marinate; eat up; plunge; infuse; draw; immerse; steep; bury; swallow up
- terendam air: under water
- tidak terendam: undamped
- permukaan: surface; surface-area; surfaces; face; side; top; skin-deep; sheet; superficial; sooth; upper side; dial; upside; earth’s surface; plane; top side; verity; telephone dial
- setinggi bahu: shoulder-high
- setinggi dada: breast high
- setinggi jalan: street level
- setinggi langit: sky-high
- setinggi lutut: knee deep; knee high
- setinggi pinggang: waist-deep
- setinggi-tingginya: at the farthest
- bercita-cita setinggi langit: hitch wage to a star